Crops With Removal Values Available

Here is the current list of crops and their removals that are used in your Premier Crop recommendations.

Disclaimer: These are the default values that PCS uses.  You and your organization may use different values.

Crop Phosphorus Removal Factor Potassium Removal Factor
Barley - Feed 0.4 0.32
Barley - Malt 0.4 0.32
Canola 1.2 2.0
Corn 0.38 0.27
Corn on Corn 0.38 0.27
Corn - Silage 3.1 7.3
Cotton 0.029 0.039
Double Crop Grain Sorghum 0.39 0.27
Double Crop Soybeans 0.84 1.3
Dry Beans 0.79 0.92
Grain Sorghum 0.39 0.27
Oats 0.28 0.19
Seed Soybeans 0.84 1.3
Soybeans 0.84 1.3
Soybeans - Food Grade 0.84 1.3
Wheat 0.6 0.34
Wheat - CPS Red - Spring 0.6 0.45
Wheat - Hard Red - Spring 0.6 0.45
Wheat - Soft White - Spring 0.6 0.45

These values are from the International Plant Nutrition Institute.