How to Change Values for a Specific Value in a Variable Rate (VR) Nutrient Recommendation (Rx)

If you need to manually change the values for a recommendation, you can use the legend to quickly do this.

  1. Once logged into your PCS account, select the Nutrients tab and then click on the "Prescriptions" button.

  2. Navigate to the desired Branch, Grower, and Year (filter down by Field and/or Crop, if desired) and click the "Get Fields" button.

  3. Click on the "Adjust Map" button for the field that you are wanting to edit.

  4. All of the tools you can use to change values are located on the righthand side of the page.  
  5. There are many ways to change the values, so this process will vary based off of what you are wanting to accomplish.
  6. You can Edit the legend in order to see those values.

  7. For this example, the Legend Ranges have been manually changed.2024-05-07_11-48-08
  8. You can select a range in the legend by clicking the "(select)" button beside the range that you wish to change, which will now select all of those cells on the map.  

  9. You can select more than one range, if desired, by holding down on the Shift key.  2024-05-07_12-23-16
  10. You can see the total area that you have selected by scrolling down.2024-05-07_12-25-11

  11. If you need to remove areas, you can click the "Clear Selection" button and that will clear ALL of the selection on the map.

  12. Once you are satisfied with your selection, you can type in the desired value into the "Set to ____ lb K/ac" area and click the "Set for Selected Area" button.  

  13. Or, you have the ability to scale the selected area by using the "Adjust Selected Cells" slider.2024-05-07_12-30-32
  14. You will see that those values have changed. 2024-05-07_12-31-52 
  15. If you want to undo those changes, click the "Revert Changes" button.  Reminder:  The Revert Changes button will revert back to the changes last saved, not last changed.2024-05-07_12-31-522
  16. Continue to make any adjustments you wish to and once you are satisfied, click the "Save K Rec" button.


If you have any questions, please contact your advisor support representative.


If you are working on a different active nutrient rec (i.e., Nitrogen, Potassium, etc.), it will have your legend settings for that nutrient, not K (Potassium), like this example is showing.