How to Account for Generic Crop Protection Application

Accounting for whole year crop protection costs is easy to do by following these steps.

  1. Once logged into your PCS account, click the Crop Protection tab, then select "Assign CP Application".


  2. Give the application a name and complete any of the additional information that you wish to provide at this time (crop, method, timing), then select a product from the pick list, such as "Corn Chemical, Corn Post, Corn Pre" or something that is relevant to your needs.

  3. Then enter in a Rate/ac of "1", choose your Rate Unit, and then click the "+".2024-05-03_16-04-18
  4. Click the "Save" button.2024-05-03_16-06-09
  5. You can enter in a generic cost and assign it to the desired field(s) either in the Catalog (if it is created before assigning it "As Actual".2024-05-03_16-08-27
  6. Or if it is immediately assigned to "As Actual", you can account for it on the Manage Crop Protection Actuals Page.


If you have any questions, please contact your advisor support representative.