How to Add a New Dry Product for Creating Nutrient Recommendations (Rx)

Sometimes you will need to select a product that is not currently in your drop down list when you create your Variable Rate Nutrient Recommendation (Rx). This explains how to do this for a dry product only.

  1. You can always contact your advisor support representative to have them do this for you!  If you elect to do this, email your advisor support representative the following information:
    1. The product name
    2. The analysis
    3. The nutrient you wish to place the product under
    4. A default cost/ton
    5. The username(s) that it should be added for
  2. If you want to add a liquid product, you MUST email your advisor support representative.
  3. If you wish to add a dry product yourself, you can do this by logging into your PCS account, clicking on the "Premier Precision" and then on the "Manage Products" button.

  4. Scroll to the bottom and you can enter in the information for that product and click the "Save" button.

  5. You can now select that product when you make your nutrient recommendations.
  6. If you need any assistance, contact your advisor support representative.