How to Quickly View Soil Sampling Dates

When you want to quickly see what fields are in need of soil sampling, follow this process!

  1. Once logged into your PCS account, click on the Field Management tab, then click the "Order Soil Samples" option.

  2. Navigate to the Branch and "All Growers" should be selected, the current crop year, and then click the "Excel" button.

  3. All of the fields that are associated with that Branch will be downloaded with the Sample Date.

  4. Select all of the cells and click the "Format as Table".

  5. Select the desired table format you want.
  6. When prompted, make sure that the "My table has headers" box is checked and click the "OK" button.

  7. Now you will be able to sort your Sample Date column to know which fields are either expired or due to be sampled!