How to Request Soil Sampling for an Existing Field

If your soil sampling service is connected to PCS, you can order your soil sampling easily through the website.

  1. Once logged into your PCS account, click on the Field Management and then click on "Order Soil Samples".
  2. Navigate to the Branch and Grower that you wish to order soil sampling for and click the "Load Fields" button.

  3. Select the field(s) that need sampled and choose the correct status in the Update Request Status drop down in the "Sampling" tab.  Click "Request Sampling".

  4. Give the sampling a "Name" in the upper left-hand corner and then use the drop downs to give the sampler and/or lab the information they need.  Billing and General notes can be used, but are not mandatory.  Click "Submit Requests" once you've completed all necessary information.  

  5. You will then receive notification that it has been submitted and you will have the option to Download Files or Return to list. The files that will be downloaded are a .pdf of the sample request, a .kmz file, and a shapefile of the boundary.  Returning to list, will return you to the Order Soil Samples page.

  6. If you have any questions, contact your advisor support representative.