How to Send In As-Applied HarvestLab 3000 Manure Files

In order to get your as-applied manure files uploaded as quickly and efficiently as possible, use this email template after uploading your shapefiles and customize it to fit your specific data.

I just uploaded 4 shapefiles per field that are coming from the manure sensor for Grower XYZ.  (If it needs to be parsed or merged, please inform your ASR at this point.)
These are for 2023 Precision and Decision.
Those files are for Actual pounds of N, P, and K, as well as a rate.  Here's what needs to be done with these 4 files:
  1. "'nitrogen" named shapefile is for Nitrogen loaded for ManNRate.  Column heading is "Rt_Apd_Ms_".
  2. "P2O5" named shapefile is for Phosphorus loaded for ManPRate.   Column heading is "Rt_Apd_Ms_".
  3. "K2O" named shapefile is for Potassium loaded for ManKRate.   Column heading is "Rt_Apd_Ms_".
  4. The last shapefile:  Take the "Rt_Apd_Liqcolumn in the last shapefile and multiply it by $0.02 (or whatever the cost is per gallon) to get the spatial cost per acre
Lastly, I need this information captured, as well:
  1. Hog Slurry - Fall is the Product  (Reference the Manure Product Pick List when selecting the Product name specific for your applications.)
If you have any questions, please let me know.

The product names (in this example nitrogen, P2O5, and K2O) are specific to whatever the name was given in the Gen4 display for Product names.  Your product names may differ, so please reference your exported shapefiles for your specific names.

The column heading names for your shapefiles could be different than the "Rt_Apd_Ms_" example above.  Please reference your shapefiles for specific column heading names."

The more specific you can be with the shapefiles that you send in with your data, the better!