How to Upload Data via the PCS Website

  1. Once logged onto PCS’s website, click on “Data Entry & Exchange” tab and then click on “Upload Data.”

  2. You must select a Branch, Grower, Farm, Field, and Year. (You can upload multiple fields, just make sure that one of the fields is selected.)  Write a brief description in the description box.  It is like an email and add your email address.  Finally, select the “Select Files” button, navigate and select your zipped folder of data, and then click the “Upload” button.

  3. You will receive a notification that the upload was successful.
  4. If you have any questions or issues, please contact your advisor support representative for assistance.
1.  There is a 25 file limit per upload.  One zipped folder counts as only one file.
2.  There is a 500 mb limit per upload.  This is a total of all files combined.
3.  There is a limit on how many characters you can type into the notes box.  If you find an upload is failing and you aren't sure why, try shortening the amount of text in the notes box.

Using certain characters, such as: "/", "^", "%", etc. will cause errors if they are typed into the description box.  If you receive a notification that states that there was an error while uploading, try to send again, but not use a character such as those.

Why Won't My Data Upload?!?!?