The New Query Tool & Manage Queries Pages have lots of new features to help you provide the best analytics!
New Query Tool
- New Query Tool operates separately from the old one.
- Old one will continue to exist.
- Multiple Measurements (formally known as Attributes to Average)
10 measurements/query maximum
- All attributes available to utilize with the following measurements: Max, Min, Average, Sum, Standard Deviation
- Measurements label can be renamed.
- Multiple Dimensions (formally known as Variables)
10 dimensions/query maximum
- Auto populate a user defined value's minimum, based off of the maximum on the previous classification.
- Ability to rename the Label for the Dimension.
- Option to save a User Defined Dimension.
- Measurements & Dimensions are able to be reordered by dragging and dropping in the Query Preview side of the page.
- Queries can be saved without being run on a Group or Groups.
Manage Query Page
- New Manage Query Page operates separately from the old one.
- Old one will continue to exist.
- Queries and Results have two separate tabs.
- Queries can be Edited, Cloned, or Archived.
- The number of groups that the query has been executed on is displayed.
- Queries can be executed on multiple groups at a time.