Understand how nutrient prescriptions are all not the same and how to use this knowledge to build customizable recommendations that fit your Growers' fertility goals and budgets.
Back in the day...
There was a common belief that a field's soil fertility levels should all be built to a magic optimal number.
We know better
Variability exists in fields and it goes back to the rain barrel.
Look at the maps
Look at soil sampling maps, yield maps, soil maps and you will see that variability exists throughout each and every field.
Here's what we know:
- Every field is unique.
- Agronomy is local.
- Variability is inevitable.
- Growers' fertility goals are variable.
- Growers' fertility budgets are variable.
- Optimum fertility levels are variable.
We know that agronomy is complex. We are not going to pretend that it's not and we are not going to simplify it.
But, we can help make it easier to navigate to make a better recommendation!
It all sounds good, right? But, how can we do this?
Premier Crop brings a Grower's data into one place. By data, we mean DATA. And lots of it.
This is just a snippet of the attributes and data that Premier Crop brings into our system, organizes it, then helps you to use it in order to be able to be used to make better recommendations.
Feeling better? Great!