How to View & Print Grower Reports

Accessing & Printing Grower Level Reports is easier than ever by following these steps!

  1. Once logged into your PCS Account, click on the "Reports" tab, then select "Grower Reports".

  2. Navigate to the desired Customer, Branch, and Grower.

  3. Select the desired Grower Report from the Dropdown.

  4. Select any criteria that needs selected, such as Year(s), Crop(s), etc. and click the "Load Report" button.

  5. You can now click the "Print" button to download and/or print your desired Report!

  6. Each report will open up a new tab, so if you need to close all tabs or individual tabs, click the "X" button on the Report tab:

  7. Or close all  tabs by clicking the "(Clear All)" button.

  8. If you have any questions, contact your advisor support representative!