What Are the Differences in Equation Rules

  1. None: The equation has no parameters.
  2. Min and Max: A minimum rate will alter the equation to put on the minimum amount of ACTUAL nutrient, even if it calls for zero.  The maximum is the maximum amount of ACTUAL nutrient that that you want to apply in the nutrient application.
    • Example:  Grower says, "Even if it calls for Zero, I want to put a minimum of  on.
  3. Non-Zero and Max: If the recommendation calls for zero rate, then it will not apply product.  However, from 1 to the Non-Zero rate, it will apply the actual amount of nutrient that you put in the box.  The maximum number is the maximum amount of nutrient that you want to apply in the nutrient application.
    • Example:  Grower says, "If it calls for zero, then shut off the machine off." And then, make the decision of what the minimum will spread.

Nitrogen Equation Rules (Min, Max, and Normal)

  1. Nitrogen is a hot button with growers and meeting growers where they are at is essential.  This "Normal" value is put in to be a value that they would be comfortable with and then, depending on the equation, will vary from the "Normal" value.
  2. From the screenshot above: +15 A Zone, Normal B & C equation would add 15 pounds of nitrogen in the A Zone and apply a desired "Normal" rate in the B & C Zones.
  3. Min & Max in this rule would be still act like the other nutrients, being the minimum and maximum amount of nutrients that would be applied.


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