Why is Fungicide, Insecticide, and/or Foliar Applications Not Showing Up on Reports?

If your Reports are missing Fungicide, Insecticide, and/or Foliar application data, here may be why!

In order for Fungicide, Insecticide, and/or Foliar information to populate reports, they MUST be assigned a Query Rate Column placeholder!


In the Manage Crop Protection Actuals Page, click the 'Edit' Button for a field:


Now, you will see where you can assign the Query Rate Column for the application.


Using the Dropdowns, assign the Query Rate Column.


Click the SAVE button.


And you will see that they Query Rate Column has been set and that data will be populated in the Reports, Dashboards, and in the Query tool!


If you need assistance, please contact your Advisor Support Representative!


If you are unsure of which Query Rate Column to assign, use the Uniform Data Entry Guide to assist you!