How to Batch Assign the Query Rate Column in the Manage CP Applications/Query Columns Page

The functionality exists to quickly assign the query rate column for Foliars, Fungicides, and Insecticides.


You MUST set a query rate column for Foliars, Fungicides, and Insecticides in order for that data (including costs) to pull into Reports, Dashboards, and Queries.


  1. After assigning a Crop Protection Application to the desired field(s), if a Foliar, Fungicide, or Insecticide was used, you will need to assign a Query Rate Column for it.
  2. Click on the Crop Protection tab, then select "Manage CP Applications/Query Columns".2024-05-06_13-48-03
  3. After navigating to the desired Grower (you can drill down further, if need be) and year, click the "Load" button.2024-05-06_13-53-09
  4. You will see how many Query Rate Columns need to be set.2024-05-06_13-58-47
  5. To rapidly assign the same Query Rate Column, select the Product TypeProduct Name,  and the Query Rate Column from the dropdowns.2024-05-06_14-00-57
    1. Timing:  You do not have to select anything from this dropdown, unless you need to.  Example: You have two applications for the same product at different times, then you could select Miravis NeoV7 and assign it the Fungicide 2 Query Rate Column, then select Miravis Neo, R3 and assign it to the Fungicide 1 Query Rate Column.
  6. Select the field(s) that you want to assign, then click the "Assign" button. Note:  It will only assign the Query Rate Column to records it finds, so if a field doesn't have that product in it's application, then nothing will happen. 2024-05-06_14-06-44
  7. Keep working until all Query Rate Columns have been set.2024-05-06_14-09-53

If you have any questions, please contact your advisor support representative.

The Uniform Data Entry Guide can assist you with entering in the Query Rate Columns.