How to Populate a Grower's Operations Catalog

Populating a Grower's Operations Catalog is the first step in assigning Operations.

  1. Once logged into your PCS account, click either on the Operations tab, then choose "Operations Catalog" from the list or Product Catalogs and then "Operations".

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  2. Select the desired Grower and click the "Load" button.2024-04-29_15-42-11
  3. Select any Operation that the Grower may do on any field.  This is NOT assigning any operation to a field, just simply slimming down the list to only Operations that this specific Grower may do.
  4. For Planting, you will want to enter in the Row Spacing.2024-04-29_15-56-30
  5. You can also change any of the default operations costs or leave them as is.2024-04-29_15-58-17
  6. You can now assign them to specific fields.