When you send in as-applied fertilizer shapefiles, you want it done quickly and correctly. Here are some best practices in order to do so!
For all Shapefiles, provide this information:
- Which column you want loaded by Heading name.
- Why? Scroll down to see what an ASR sees when they receive your files.
- Is this in pounds of product or pounds of actual nutrient?
- Why? You want your data entered correctly and don't want emails back and forth in order to get it loaded! See below for examples.
Open up the .dbf to see what the shapefile data is to know how the data was exported out of the system that it was. If you need assistance, click here for how to open your .dbf as an Excel file every time.
For Liquid Files, provide this information:
- The analysis of the product.
- Why? Your ASR will have to calculate the as-applied nutrients for each of the nutrients in the blended product so your data is correct for ALL products.
- The density (lbs/gallon) of the liquid product.
- You have to have the density in order to accurately account for each nutrient that is in the product.
For Blended Dry Files, provide this information:
- The analysis of the product.
- Why? Your ASR will have to calculate the as-applied nutrients for each of the nutrients in the blended product so your data is correct for ALL products.
Examples of what Data Support sees when they get your files:
- NH3
- Note how there are no column labels, like you see in an Excel file:
- How does this affect you: If you tell your ASR to use column "I" for the rate, they do not see that and will have to email you, so this saves you time!!
- Your ASR can tell it is a dry product, due to "Rt_Apd_Ms", but that does not tell them if this is product amount or pounds of Nitrogen.
- How does this affect you: Do you want this column multiplied by 0.82 for the value of Nitrogen or not? 205 (approximate applied rate) ≠ 168.1 (205*0.82)
- Note how there are no column labels, like you see in an Excel file:
You may type this to your ASR for efficient upload: "Uploaded are as-applied NH3 files for this grower. Please use "Rt_Apd_Ms" column and it is in pounds of Nitrogen. Questions? Please ask! yourname@yourdomain.com"
- Liquid
- Your ASR sees only the product entered by the applicator.
- Your ASR will see that it is liquid, but there may be more than one column that could be uploaded.
- Your ASR sees only the product entered by the applicator.
You may type this to your ASR for efficient upload: "Uploaded are as-applied liquid 28-0-0-5(S) files for this grower. Please use "Rt_Apd_Liq" column and convert into pounds of nitrogen and sulfur. Questions? Please ask. yourname@yourdomain.com"
- Dry Blend
- The analysis for the blend will enable your ASR to quickly calculate the nutrients that need to be accounted for if the file does not have the correct product listed.
- The analysis for the blend will enable your ASR to quickly calculate the nutrients that need to be accounted for if the file does not have the correct product listed.
You may type this to your ASR for efficient upload: "Uploaded are as-applied dry fertilizer files for this grower. It's a blend of 22-104-120. Please use "Rt_Apd_Ms" column and convert into pounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Questions? Please ask. yourname@yourdomain.com"